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Networking & Reception Activities

Make The Connection

This app-based activity encourages networking at your reception event through photo and video challenges. For example, players may be tasked with finding a colleague wearing the same color shirt as theirs to take a selfie with. Then, the two of them test their knowledge of color in a few fun trivia questions. Another task may have participants interview another guest about what they love most about your company or organization. Players that score a minimum number of points are entered into a prize drawing.


No Table Unturned

It’s no mystery – people love to guess “who dunnit!”  And, it’s even more fun when the mystery is customized for your group, as the clues delivered to team tables in between courses reveal attendees as potential suspects and a crime that resonates with your group.  Did they smuggle out the company’s top secrets?  Kill the competition?  Steal the lollipops from the receptionist’s desk?  If you can imagine it, we’ll leave no table unturned as we script a mystery that will intrigue and delight your guests!

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Eat. Talk. Play.

Your meal function can serve a greater purpose than just providing sustenance for your group. As attendees eat, they will also talk, and play as they work together to complete a variety of fun challenges themed to food and beverage. The game is downloaded to an app on participants’ smartphones and features trivia, puzzles, and even a few photo and video challenges that can be completed right at their table!


The Score! Sports-Themed Game Night reception activity has your group competing in small teams in a series of sports themed challenges. You don’t have to be a sports fanatic to enjoy this event which features photos of your team in a Heisman trophy pose, recording a video showing off dance moves to rival the gopher from Caddyshack, and solving word puzzles to reveal sports terms. In addition to the app-based challenges, teams visit physical challenge stations around the room to test their skills at keeping a pickleball volley going or tossing a ring through a hoop. 

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Stir Things Up Networking Mixer

Guests become mixologists as they get a lanyard imprinted with a cocktail ingredient and are invited to blend with others to create different mixed drinks. For instance, a guest wearing a “vodka” nametag could find someone wearing “tonic” and both would get a swizzle stick. The guest with the most swizzle sticks drinks in the glory and wins a prize.

What If? Networking Mixer

Guests share their answers to various “If statements” they are each wearing on a name badge lanyard with other guests throughout the activity.  For instance, “If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be…”  Guests who collect a certain number of answers to their question from different guests by a set time are entered into a prize drawing.  And, if their name is called out, the people whose answers they collected also come on stage to see if they remember their answers and they too win a prize!

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